ASE Statement on a Patient-Centered and Personalized Approach to Imaging

4-11-2022 – ASE approves the following policy:

ASE Statement on a Patient-Centered and Personalized Approach to Imaging

ASE strongly endorses patient-centered and personalized imaging. Rather than an automatic testing default, a personalized approach to testing based on clinical information is better and benefits the patient. Every clinical presentation should be evaluated individually to determine which imaging test is appropriate. Factoring in technical local expertise, quality and availability of equipment, likelihood of cardiovascular disease, and patient preference are all extremely important in deciding the optimal approach. We believe a multi-disciplinary team is best and the patient, patient advocate and their family’s viewpoints are important contributors for shared decision-making. A patient-centered approach may reduce administrative burden, avoid care delays, and support the unique role of the physician/patient interaction. In alignment with personalized imaging, ASE also believes in high-quality testing. The ASE Accreditation Policy Statement published on February 15, 2014, outlines ASE’s commitment to advocating for an environment of excellence in quality and practice of cardiovascular ultrasound.

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