2013 ASE Foundation Research Awards – Frequently Asked Questions
Application Requirements –
Q. Do I have to be an ASE member to be eligible?
A. Yes, applicants and their senior mentors/project sponsors are required to be current ASE members.
Q. Is the award application really limited to only 7 pages, including references?
A. Yes, the full description of the proposed research including references and any figures should not exceed 7 typewritten pages with 1-inch margins using a minimum of a 10-point font.
Q. To whom should my letter(s) of support be addressed?
A. The letters should be addressed to the ASE Research Awards Committee.
Q. Does being a resident or trainee count as a valid appointment for the Career Development Award?
A. Yes, the applicant must be an employee of the hospital or lab where he/she will conduct the research. Residents and fellows both fit these criteria.
Q. Is it okay to apply for ethics approval after submitting the proposal? Can the award be granted subject to ethics approval?
A. Award applications do not need final approval from an institutional review board, human studies committee or animal care and use committee at the time of submission. If approval has not been granted prior to submission of the proposal, applicants should include a letter stating that appropriate institutional review board application is pending. Final institutional review board approval is required prior to release of ASE Foundation funds.
Submission –
Q. Can I mail you my award application?
A. No, only online applications submitted via the ASE Foundation submission site will be accepted. Paper or diskette submissions will not be considered.
A. No, only online applications submitted via the ASE Foundation submission site will be accepted. Paper or diskette submissions will not be considered.
Use of ASE Foundation Funding –
Q. What does the 10% overhead cover? Is it included as part of the award total?
A. The award recipient’s work setting (i.e., the university or laboratory) may procure a maximum of 10% of the award for indirect costs such as handling fees and administrative functions. The overhead provision for indirect costs is included in the award amount.
Q. Does the ASE Foundation have a required fringe benefit rate?
A. No, it does not have a required fringe benefit rate. Applicants may budget according to their institution's policy.
Q. What if I relocate to a different institution? Can the award funding be transferred?
A. No, the award recipient must complete the project at the institution from which the application was submitted.
Q. What do I do if there is money left over at the end of my project?
A. Any unexpended balance at the end of the award's funding period is due back to the ASE Foundation.
Q. What if I don't complete the project during its funding period? Can I apply for an extension?
A. It is the expectation of the ASE Foundation that the project will be completed during the time funding is allocated. However, it is recognized that there can be circumstances beyond the investigator's control that hinder his/her ability to meet the timeline required by the grant. In these situations, it is possible to apply for a no-cost extension. Such a request would require a comprehensive progress report outlining what has been accomplished thus far, what needs to be/will be accomplished during an extension in order to finalize the project (including a timeline for completion), and a budgetary report delineating what remaining funds from the award are still available. A no-cost extension request must be received prior to the end of the award's funding period. Requests received after the funding period has ended will not be considered.
Results Reporting & Acknowledgement of Support –
Q. How do I report the results of my research to the ASE Foundation?
A. In accepting funding from the ASE Foundation, the principal investigator and his/her research team agree to submit an annual, written report outlining the project's progess, funding utilization, and final research accomplishments. A template for this report will be provided. The principal investigator also agrees to participate in future ASE/ASE Foundation educational meetings and events to present the results of his/her work if so invited.
Q. How do I acknowledge ASE Foundation grant support?
A. Each publication, press release or other document and/or presentation that cites results from ASE Foundation-supported research must include an acknowledgement of ASE Foundation grant support and disclaimer, such as "The project described was supported by Award Number ____ from the ASE Education and Research Foundation. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the American Society of Echocardiography or the ASE Education and Research Foundation."
More questions?
Please contact Andrea Van Hoever regarding the ASE Foundation's research award program.