March 24 is ASE Member Appreciation Day

We treasure your ASE membership all year round, but six years ago we started a tradition of designating a special day in March to share the top reasons why we love our members on ASE’s social media accounts. Today, March 24, 2023, is the 6th Annual ASE Member Appreciation Day!

This day of celebration focuses on the many ways that ASE’s diverse and inclusive membership helps advance the field of cardiovascular ultrasound and improve patient care. Follow along throughout the day on ASE’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to read the many ways we are thankful for you. You can also follow #ASEMemberDay, #HeartOfASE, #ASECares, #SoundSavesLives, and #EchoFirst hashtags.

We know we are not alone in our appreciation and encourage you to join us in celebrating ASE members! Share the many reasons why you admire, value, and respect your fellow ASE Members on social media. Just print or screenshot this sign, take your picture, and tag ASE in your social media post.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for being a member of ASE. Our community of members is strong, vital, and influential. You are changing the world and improving patient lives! We look forward to continue serving you and our community in the year ahead.


Robin Wiegerink, MNPL
Chief Executive Officer
American Society of Echocardiography

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